Saturday, August 20, 2011

August ICLW: Welcome to My Corner of Crazy!

I just wanted to say a big welcome to everyone visiting from ICLW! If you recognize my pictures/dogs/info that's probably because I used to blog at babymagnesi but the blog was deleted a couple months ago. You can read about my breakdown here.

If you want to get to know my history, you can find it here. I love this time of the month and can't wait to meet everyone and re-connect :)

I blog pretty much daily but to get you caught up, we are about to start our fist Soy Iso cycle in a couple days which we will be doing for 3-4 cycles then moving on to Femara.

Have a *~* Baby Dust *~* Kind of Day!


  1. Hi from ICLW! Good luck on your upcoming Soy Iso cycle!

  2. I am sorry you had a breakdown and lost a lot of stuff, but you know what? After all the struggling you've had, and how long you've been fighting, who the heck can blame you?

    I do remember you though! I haven't done ICLW in a few months and I'm glad that you decided to return. You've left me some kind notes :)

    Happy ICLW from #86 :D
